In Asia, the highest ranked institution is the University of Hong Kong (22nd globally), ahead of The University of Tokyo (25th globally), and National University of Singapore (NUS) (28th globally). Nanyang Technological University (NTU) has jumped up 16 places in 2011, ranked 58th in the world (a quantum leap from 74th place last year). This makes NTU one of the fastest-rising universities in the top 100 list.
In Australia, the highest ranked university is Australian National University (26th in the world). A total of 5 Australian institutions ranked in the global top 50. The others are: The University of Melbourne (31st), The University of Sydney (38th), The University of Queensland (48th), and The University of New South Wales (49th). Swinburne University of Technology has been ranked for the second consecutive year in the top 450 universities in the world by the QS World University Rankings. With an estimated 15,000 universities world wide, this ranking puts Swinburne in the top three per cent of universities in the world.
The top 10 universities in the world:
1 University of Cambridge
2 Harvard University
3 Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT)
4 Yale University
5 University of Oxford
6 Imperial College London
7 UCL (University College London)
8 University of Chicago
9 University of Pennsylvania
10 Columbia University