Wednesday, 10 August 2011

Government Jobs Project Application for Research Scientists Project Assistants Scientist Jobs in Sameer Mumbai Recruitment 2011

SAMEER, Mumbai

SAMEER LOGOSAMEER was set up as an autonomous R & D laboratory at Mumbai under the then Department of Electronics, Government of India with a broad mandate to undertake R & D work in the areas of Microwave Engineering and Electromagnetic Engineering Technology. It is an offshoot of the special microwave products unit (SMPU) set up in 1977 at the TATA INSTITUTE OF FUNDAMENTAL RESEARCH (TIFR), Mumbai. SAMEER, Mumbai was setup in 1984.

The centre of Electromagnetics, Chennai of the then Department of Electronics (DOE) was merged with SAMEER in 1987.

SAMEER Kolkata centre was set up in 1994 for research & Development in Millimetrewave Technology

A new centre is being established at Navi Mumbai campus of SAMEER for augmentation of EMI/EMC FACILITY for CE Marking of Electronics products.


To achieve excellence in application oriented research in the areas of Microwave /RF Electronics and Electromagnetics.


  • Research & Development activities in the areas of its expertise.
  • Engage in product development driven by technology and user requirement.
  • Develop expertise in areas of competence.
  • Create business division and to make it commercially viable in the long run
  • Become multi disciplinary institution and to carter to diversified applications for Rf and microwave areas
  • Undertake training ad consultancy in areas of competence.
  • Keep pace with rapidly changing technology by continuous training of its manpower
  • Become a non hierarchical organization empowering people at all levels with appropriate authority and accountability


SAMEER is committed to meeting user agencies requirement by providing world-class technology and services. Continuous improvement and teamwork will guide our pursuit for excellence.



SAMEER, Mumbai is pursuing research and development in the field of Opto electronics, medical Electronics, Radar based instrumentation, Atmospheric Remote sensing & Meteorology, RF & Microwave systems and components, Navigational electronics etc. Many of it's R&D outputs and spin-offs have found applications and acceptance in industry .


SAMEER-CEM, Chennai is pursuing Research and Development, Consultancy, test and evaluation services in the areas of electromagnetics and antennas, EMI/EMC, communications and thermal management.


SAMEER, Kolkata , the youngest of the three Centres is pursuing R&D activities in the area of antennas, electromagnetics, RF/Microwave components and subsystems.


SAMEER has been a pioneer in the development of technology in several areas.

It has developed:

  • India's first MST Radar which is also the 2nd largest in the world.
  • India's first indigenously developed Linear Accelerator for Cancer treatment.
  • Energy efficient Drying/Heating System for textile, Food, Ceramic, Chemical, Pharma, Rubber applications through RF/Microwave.
  • Microwave dis-infection system for hazardous hospital waste.
  • Code division multiple access [CDMA] receiver.
  • Microwave data link system [MDLS] for user agency.
  • Broad-band sleeve monopole antenna .
  • Wireless frequency hopping UHF data link.

It has established:

  • India's first center for design and engineering facility for Opto Electronic devices.
  • Class ten thousand clean room facility for space electronics hardware development.
  • Full-fledged EMI/EMC test & evaluation facility for CE marking.
  • RF/Microwave Antenna Measurement test facility.
  • Thermal design and engineering facility.


  • Medical electronics
  • Photonics
  • Radar instrumentation
  • High power Microwave &RF systems and Components
  • IT and communications
  • Electronics and antennas
  • Millimeterwave
  • Electronic packing design


Well directed R&D efforts help SAMEER to retain it's competitive edge. SAMEER is equipped with the latest state of the art facilities and equipments.

Scientist Jobs in Sameer Mumbai Recruitment 2011 Government Jobs for Project Assistant


Application for Research Scientists, Project Assistants
ADV_JUNE2011.pdf (210.59 kB)

  • ADVT NO: 05/2011-12
Application Summary for Research Scientists, Project Assistants

General Application Form

Application for Project Assistants

  • ADVT NO.: 14/2011

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Himachal Pradesh University Shimla Result of MD/MS Ayurveda Entrance Test-2011 held on 7/8/2011

The AGRO-ECONOMIC RESEARCH CENTRE (AERC)After the initiation of the era of planned development in India, need was felt for carrying out studies for proper understanding of the changes occurring in the structure and functioning of village economy and other specific problems arising from time to time. With this background Agro-Economic Research Centers were established in various agro-climatic regions of the country. The Agro-Economic Research Centre (AERC) at the Himachal Pradesh University was established in December 1972 by the Ministry of Agriculture, Government of India to carry out research and investigations in the field of Agricultural Economics in Western Himalayan Region consisting of Himachal Pradesh and Jammu & Kashmir. This is one of the 12 AER Centers established by the Government of India. For more details visit AERC website:

Telephone nos. and EPABX Telephone Numbers


2830273, 2830434, 2830445, 2830614, 2830635, 2830678, 2830709, 2830741, 2831637, 2831727, 2831742, 2831809, 2831876, 2831998





Postal Address:
Himachal Pradesh University
Summer Hill
Shimla-171005(Himachal Pradesh)

Result of MD/MS(Ayurveda) Entrance Test 2011

Result of B.A.-I March 2011
Result of B.A.-II March 2011
Result of B.Sc.-I March 2011

Result of B.Sc.-II March 2011
Click Full Post............. Result Of M.E. Full-Time B.E. I Year B.E. PTDC/M.Sc B.E. II Year Devi Ahilya University Indore Examination Results 2011
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  • 10/08/2011

    Result Of M.E. Full-Time


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    Results of B.E. PTDC/M.Sc.


    Results of B.E. II Year


    Results of B.E. II Year (Ex.)


    Results of B.E. III Year
    Click Full Post............. Burdwan University West Bengal Exam Result 2011

    Burdwan University, West Bengal Exam Result 2011

    Burdwan University, West Bengal

    Exam Result 2011

    * B.Sc. (Hons.) Biotechnology Part-II Examination, 2011
    * BBA(HONS.) Part-II Examination, 2011

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    Deen Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University,Gorakhpur B.A. Part I Exam Result 2011 Dayal Upadhyay Gorakhpur University,Gorakhpur B.A. Part I Exam Result 2011

    The University

    The University of Gorakhpur is a teaching and residential-cum-affiliating University. It is situated at a distance of about 2 kilometers form the downtown to the east and almost walking distance from railway station to the soutuh. Although the idea of residential University at Gorakhpur was first mooted by Dr. C.J. Chako, the then Principal of St. Andrews College, then under Agra University, who initiated post-graduate and undergraduate science teaching in his college, the idea got crystallized and took concrete shape by the untiring efforts of Late Pt. S.N.M. Tripathi. The proposal was accepted in principle by the first Chief Minister of U.P., Late Pt. Govind Ballabh Pant, but it was only in 1956 that the University came into existence by an act passed by the U.P. Legislature. It actually started functioning since September 1, 1957, when the faculties of Arts, Commerce, Law and Education were started. In the following year, 1958, the faculty of science came into being. Faculties of Engineering, Medicine and Agriculture came into existence in later years. Late Mahant Digvijay Nath also made valuable contribution in the formation of the University. The Madan Mohan Malviya Engineering College.

    At one stage the federal jurisdiction of the University was spread over colleges in Gorakhpur and the adjoining erstwhile twelve districts with about 125 affiliated colleges. In 1973, when the Gorakhpur University Act was replaced by uniform piece of legislation called the U.P. Universities Act, about two dozed colleges located in five districts were transferred to the newly created Avadh University with headquarters at Faizabad. The jurisdiction of the Gorakhpur University was drastically curtailed further in its headquarters at Jaunpur. At present, with the establishment of new colleges and the creation of new districts, there are 123 colleges located in five districts of Gorakhpur Division.
    In the beginning the University had its own teething troubles. But due to the zeal, untiring efforts and foresight of its founding fathers and the then faculty members, it has come of age having completed more than forty years of a most meaningful existence. It now has neat and attractive campus spread over an area of about 300 acres with well-planned teaching and residential campuses. In the beginning the University was housed in two buildings the Pant Block (inaugurated by late Pt. Pant) and the Majithia Block (named after Sir Surendra Singh Majithia, who made a significant donation to the building through his family trust). Several other buildings came up during the following decades : they include the Central Library, the Arts Block, the Administrative Block, the Law Faculty, a Student's Union building, a Gymnasium hall, a Health Centre, a Computer Centre and Research Buildings for Chemistry, Zoology, and Botany. Besides, there are separated Buildings for Commerce and Education Faculties and also for Home, Science, Geography, Psychology, Sociology, Hindi, Ancient History, Fine Arts and Music, Political Science and Adult Education. A huge building comprising several big rooms besides and imposing auditorium, referred to as Deeksha Bhavan, presently houses the separate girls' wing for the undergraduate classes along with its use as an examination centre. Two separate building housing a branch of Allahabad Bank and a sub-Post Office are also part of the University. Samajiki Manviki Bhawan - was built about seven years ago. Besides the general maintenance and repair work, and the general beautification of the campus on a large scale, some hectic construction activities are also currently going on in the University. Buildings of Department of Business Management and of Biotechnology have been constructed. Additional lecture halls have been added in the Arts Faculty Building.

    In the residential zone, we have more than 125 quarters for teachers and officials of the University and about the same number of the non-teaching staff. There are several hostels - four boys and one complex with three wings for the girls' - which have facilities of reading-cum-TV room, games, etc. The students living in the city are attached to the Delegacy which looks after their interests and provides facilities to them in extra-curricular activities.

    The academic culture of the University evolved out the cross fertilization of diverse traditions of teaching and research. The seniors who gave a start to the institution came from varying University backgrounds. What has thus been delivered to us is a most liberal tradition of academic pursuit, a tradition rich in content and intellectual stimulating. True to our motto, we have always believed in the free quest of knowledge and have consistently refused to live under anything like an inbred orthodoxy. Among the illustrious faculty members who distinguished themselves in their own fields were elevated as Vice Chancellor and served more than once are.

    Prof. Mehrotra, R.C. for Allahabad & Delhi Universities
    Prof. Mishra, R.S. for Kanpur and Lucknow Universities
    Prof. Pandey, G.C. for Allahabad and Rajasthan Universities
    Prof. Rastogi, R.P. for B.H.U. for two successive terms
    Prof. Sharma, D. for Gorakhpur and Indore Universities

    Click Full Post............. H.N.B. Garhwal University, Srinagar Garhwal M.A (Home Science) Previous Year Exam Result 2011

    About HNBGU
    Inception of Garhwal University on Dec. 1 st 1973 was the fulfillment of a long cherished dream of the local people .The University was established under the provisions of Uttar Pardesh State Universities Act (Act No. 10 of 1973) on 1.12.1973 and the Act come in force w.e.f. 1.12.1973.

    The name of the university was rechristened to
    Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna Garhwal University in 1989 in commemoration of the memory of a leading statesman of the country, the son of the soil Shri Hemwati Nandan Bahuguna, and subsequently established as Central University under the provision of the Central Universities Ordinance, 2009, No.3 of 2009 published in the gazette of India, extraordinary Part-II, Sec-I, New Delhi, 15 January 2009. Our University is among the ten largest Universities of the country with 3 campuses and more than 180 affiliated colleges and institutes (both state run/aided and self financed) and examining approximately 150000 students annually, providing higher education services in 7 out of the 13 Districts of the State of Uttarakhand.

    The University is blessed with state of art research facilities, some of the best teachers and close academic relations with a number of premier institutions. With its Headquarters at Srinagar some 108 K.M. from Rishikesh along the Delhi-Niti National Highway, Birla Campus at Srinagar (bisected into two halves. the Srinagar Campus and the Chauras Campus by the river Alaknanda), BGR Campus set on enticing mountain slopes at Pauri (29 K.M. from Srinagar and some 100 K.M. from Kotdwar, the nearest railway station) and SRT Campus at Badshahi Thaul amidst dense pine forest (some 85 K.M. from Srinagar and 65 K.M. from Rishikesh on the route to Gangotri). the University offers a variety of higher learning courses and academic programmes through 10 Faculties. As a mark of the appreciation of its importance and achievements it has been upgraded as a Central University.

    Srinagar - a historical township
    HNB Garhwal University nestled in the lap of Himalayan ranges is the Garhwal Himalaya. "
    The abode of Gods; Devbhumi or Tapobhumi", is how it finds mention in mythology and religious literature.

    Srinagar Garhwal is situated (30 0 13' N /78 046' E) in Pauri District of Garhwal region of Uttaranchal on the bank of river Alaknanda in mid-Himalaya. Being the royal capital of the erstwhile rulers of Garhwal in the past, variously known as Sripur, Srikshetra and Danush Teertha, it remained capital of Garhwal kingdom till 1805 AD; thereafter the centre of Gorkha rule till 1850 AD and administrative centre of British till 1890 AD.

    The historic township enroute to the supershrine resorts of Kedarnath and Badrinath is well linked by road to all the prominent places of the region, including the three rail heads- Rishikesh, Kotdwara and Dehradun. Of late, Srinagar has strongly emerged as a centre of higher learning and research with the establishment of the University. The historic town Srinagar is well linked by the road with all the prominent places of the region, including the three rail heads- Rishikesh, Kotdwara and Dehradun.

    PG Results
    M.A.-I ( Political Sc., History, English, Sanskrit, Sociology, Economics, Extension Education) - Click Here
    M.A.-II( Geography, Extension Education, History, Education, Home Sc., Music, Philosophy, ) Click HereM.Sc.-I(Chemistry, Math, Stats, Botany, Zoology, Geology, Defence & Startegic Studies, Physics, Anthropology, Env. Sc. Geography, Maths ) - Click Here M.Sc- II (Zoology, Env. Sc., Math, Stats, Botany, Geology, Defence & Startegic Studies, Physics, Chemistry) - Click Here M.Com-I & M.Com. II - Click Here UG Results
    B.A. I, B.A. II, B.A. III - Click Here
    B.Sc. I, B.Sc. II, B.Sc. III - Click Here B.Com I, B.Com II, B.Com III - Click Here

    Contact us
    H.N.B.Garhwal University
    Srinagar – Dist.Pauri Garhwal
    (Uttarakhand) India – 246174

    Telephone : 01346-252143 (o)
    : 01346-252168 (R)
    Fax : 01346 – 252247
    E-mail :
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    University Of Mysore, Karnataka Bachelor Of Education (CBCS) Exam May-Jun 2011

    University of Mysore

    About the University

    The University of Mysore is among the foremost institutions of its kind, and is an enduring symbol in the sphere of higher education in India. It was founded by the then Maharaja of Mysore, His Highness Sri Krishnaraja Wodeyar IV and his Dewan, the renowned engineer - statesman, Sir M.Visvesvaraya, on July 27, 1916. The Maharaja of Mysore became its first Chancellor. A Bill to establish and incorporate the University was introduced in Mysore Legislative Council in 1916. It was passed unanimously on 17th July 1916. The first meeting of the University Council was held on 12th August 1916 and the first meeting of the Senate on 12th October 1916.

    The University of Mysore became the first University outside the domain of the English administration in India, the sixth University in India as a whole, and the first ever University in Karnataka. During the institution of the University in 1916, four faculties were constituted viz., Arts, Science, Engineering and Technology, and Medicine. Seperate Boards of Studies and Boards of Examiners were constituted in 28 subjects. The University was also administering 12 other educational institutions.

    The first Act of the University came in the year 1933 (University of Mysore Act 1933). The first report of the curriculum followed by different departments is available in the University's Calendar 1947-48. The University offered a two-year intermediate Course, three year B.A.(Hons), B.Sc.,(Hons) Degree Courses and M.A., M.Sc., Courses. There were also the faculties of Medicine and Engineering. The University also offered Diplomas in vocational subjects. The University Extension Lectures and Publication Bureau were notable features of the University.

    The main campus of the University, created in 1960, lies in a picturesque area of 739 acres at the western end of the Kukkarahalli Lake. The University headquarters, the Crawford Hall, is located right across the lake on the eastern end. This inspiring locale of the campus was aptly named Manasagangotri (Fountainhead of the Ganges of the Mind) by the poet-laureate, Dr. K.V.Puttappa (Kuvempu). In due course, two satellite campuses were set up in response to the demands of post graduate education from semi-urban/rural areas: Sir M.Visvesvaraya Post Graduate Centre at Tubinakere in Mandya, and the Mysore University Post graduate Centre at Hemagangotri in Hassan.

    In the beginning, the entire Princely State of Mysore comprising of nine districts came under the jurisdiction of the University. Now it is confined to Mysore, Mandya, Hassan, and Chamarajanagar districts. The remaining areas come under the Bangalore University (1964), Mangalore University (1980), and Kuvempu University (1987). The institution, incidentally, gave birth to one more University in 1996 when the Institute for Correspondence Courses and Continuing Education in the Manasagangotri campus, got transformed into the Karnataka State Open University.

    The University now encompasses 122 affiliated colleges and 5 Constituent Colleges (with an aggregate of 53,000 students). In addition, the University has 37 post graduate departments, 8 specialised research & training centres and 2 post graduate centres that together offer about 55 regular academic programmes to 3,500 students. It also runs a number of employment-oriented diploma courses and certificate programmes. The post graduate departments are reputed for excellence in advanced studies and research, and have attracted projects and grants worth crores of rupees from many national and international institutions.

    The University has developed excellent infrastructure for curricular and co-curricular activities. The Mysore University Library offers a collection of over 8 lakh books, 2,400 journal titles and 1 lakh volumes of journals. The main campus features an amphitheatre, an auditorium, a swimming pool, and hostels for women and men with modern amenities and comforts.

    The University has established a rapport with many well-known and prestigious universities and institutions abroad for academic, technical and cultural exchange.

    Having served the cause of higher education and research with distinction and dedication for almost the whole of the 20th century, the University of Mysore now envisages the 21st century as an era of even greater growth and success during which it will produce well-qualified and well-motivated youth to serve humanity as teachers, administrators, doctors, engineers, scientists, lawyers, social workers and in various other fields. As it gets closer to its centenary celebrations, the University looks forward to newer ways of fulfilling the vision of its Founding Fathers.

    Namaskara and Welcome to University of Mysore

    University of Mysore


    Register Number
    For any clarifications please email to or contact office of the Registrar(Evaluation).
    Vishwavidyalaya Karyasoudha
    Crawford Hall, Mysore - 6
    Phone: 0821-2419361

    SEARCH Latest JOB Result Counselling Admitcard 2011-12

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    Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University Bareilly B.A. Part I Exam Result 2011 Updated

    Example frontpage image

    M.J.P. Rohilkhand University was established in 1975 as an affiliating University. Its status was upgraded to affiliating-cum-residential university in 1985 when four teaching Departments were established in the campus. In 1987 three more Departments were added. In August 1997 Rohilkhand University was renamed as Mahatma Jyotiba Phule Rohilkhand University. The University has taken an overall perspective of development plan and thereby modified University status by including new Faculties of Engineering and Technology, Management, Applied Sciences, Education and Allied Sciences etc. It has more than 190 affiliated colleges.The University headquarter is located at Bareilly with its territorial jurisdiction extending over the districts of Bareilly, Moradabad, Rampur, Bijnore, Jyotibaphule Nagar, Baduan, Pilibhit and Shahjahanpur. The University campus spreads over 206 acre of Land.

    B.Ed Entrance Exam - 2011 :

    M.J.P. Rohilkhand University, Bareilly conduct combined B.Ed. Entrance exam 2011 of Uttar Pradesh.

    B.Ed Entrance Help Line No. : 0581-2520801, 08791010071, 08791000119
    B.Ed Entrance Results 2011

    Results 2010-11
    B.A. First Year 2010-11 M.A.(POLITICAL SCIENCE) Previous Year Results 2010-11

    M.A.(POLITICAL SCIENCE) Final Year Results 2010-11
    B.A. Second Year 2010-11 M.A.(HISTORY) First Year Results 2010-11
    B.A. Third Year 2010-11 M.A.(HISTORY) Final Year Results 2010-11
    Click Full Post............. CSVTU MPharmacy I Back II Reg/Back Exam Result 2011 Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University

    Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Tech. Univ.
    MPharmacy I (Back),II (Reg/Back) Exam Result 2011

    The University

    Chhattisgarh Swami Vivekanand Technical University (CSVTU) has been established by an Act(No.25 0f 2004) of Legislature passed by the Chhattisgarh State Govt. Assembly, wide notification No.639/21-A/Prarupan/2004 date 21st Jan 2005 and published in the State Govt. gazette 24th January, 2005. The University incorporates the purpose of ensuring systematic, efficient and qualitative education in engineering and technological subjects including Architecture and Pharmacy at Research, Postgraduate, Degree and Diploma level. The foundation stone of the University was laid down by Hon'ble Dr. Manmohan Sigh, the Prime Minister, Govt. of India on April 30th 2005.

    Admission Notification For M.Tech in STEEL TECHNOLOGY

    Modify Result Declaration Date

    1) BE 6th Semester Reg/Back - 13/08/2011

    2) Diploma 6th Semester Reg/Back (Excluding MOM Branch) - 23/07/2011

    Enrolllment Rules For Session 2011-2012 new

    All Engg College Permission for Internal Counsellin_11new

    New Syllabus& Scheme of MBA(PG) Coursenew

    Notice :-5 th Sem College Transfer & 3 rd Sem College Transfer & Internal Counselingnew

    Odd Semester Admissionnew


    Dr. Bimal. Chandra. MAL
    TELEPHONE- +91-788-2261311, FAX- +91-788-2261411

    Click Full Post............. Jiwaji University Result of BCA 1st Sem Regular ATKT M.Sc. Chemistry III Sem BP and MBA RTM Previous Supp. Distance Education 2011

    Jiwaji University was established as a teaching and affiliating University on 23rd May 1964, under the provision of M. P. Government Ordinance no. 15 of 1963. Dr. Sarwapalli Radhakrishanan, the then President of India, laid the foundation stone of the University Campus on 11th December 1964.

    Right from its inception, Jiwaji University started with a status of a residential and an affiliating University. The territorial jurisdiction of the affiliation extends to six districts of Gwalior and Chambal Division, viz., Gwalior, Morena, Bhind, Guna, Shivpuri and Datia. To begin with, the University had a total of 29 affiliated colleges. Those have steadily increased to more than 100 colleges. Till date of 26 Government and 7 non-Government colleges impart teaching up to postgraduate level. Some of the colleges have also developed into recognized research centers.

    The university started post-graduate teaching and research from the session 1966-67 with the establishment of Schools of Studies in Botany and Zoology. The Schools of Studies in Physics, Chemistry and Ancient History, Culture and Archaeology were started from the session 1969-70. The School of Studies in Economics and Mathematics came into existence from the session 1978-79, which the School of Studies in Commerce started from the session 1980-81 and that of Biochemistry from the session 1986-87. The University also started MBA course under the School of studies in Commerce from the session 1987, during the VII plan period the School of Studies in Library and Information Science was established in 1986. Under the VIII plan development programme University has established School of Studies in Earth Science in 1991.

    A post-graduate Diploma Course in tourism (PGDTM) was also started Presently the SOS in tourism is running Master in tourism administration programme . The University has also a center of foreign Language since 1986, which presently imparts diploma and certificate courses in English, French, German and Russian.

    The Indira Gandhi Academy of Environment Education, on interdisciplinary programmes of environment and Eco planning was established in 1989.

    A Center for M. Phil Studies in Sociology and Political Science was established in 1990.

    The University science and Instrumentation Center (USIC) extends facilities for fabrication and maintenance of laboratory instruments of School of Studies and affiliated colleges. M.P. Council of Science & Technology, Bhopal has established a local cell (MPCOST) to coordinate and monitor various research projects and other scientific activities under the scheme.

    The University central Library has a collection of over 1,40,000 books and about 8000 bound volumes of research journals. It also contains a section of unpublished theses. Presently more than 142 Indian and Foreign journals are being subscribed. The Library also contains Internet access, microfilm reader, 16-mm projector, and a number of films on various subjects. Beside Central library, each School of Studies has a library, well equipped with books and journals, useful for advanced study.

    The physical education Department of the University takes care of the games and sports of the students. Dean, Students Welfare looks after the extra curricular activities of the University. This wing has developed advanced facilities for music, dance and drama and other performing arts with an auditorium well equipped for such events. The university has been hosting state and regional level Youth Festivals.

    Dean of college development Council (DCDC) coordinates and monitors the academic activities of the affiliated college of the University. The Department of Adult and continuing Education of the University has established itself as leading centre in the region.

    This is the first University in the state to implement the self supporting programmes. We started this activity as far back as 1987 by introducing the PG Diploma in Computer Applications. Subsequently, the university started job oriented courses in -

    • Computer science,
    • Chemicals, sales and marketing management,
    • Instrumentation and commercial methods of Industrial analysis,
    • Environmental Chemistry,
    • Microbiology,
    • Molecular Biology and Immunology,
    • Master in computer application,
    • Bachelor in Physical Education,
    • Master of Physical Education,
    • Refrigeration technology are being started very shortly, etc.

    We have introduced several others including M.Sc. Neuroscience, M.Sc. Information Technology, BA in Jyotirvigyan, M.Sc. Food Technology, M.Sc. Molecular and Human Genetics, M.Sc. Medical Plants and Herbal Resource Management, M.Sc. Tech. (Industrial Maths with Computer Application), M.Sc Remote Sensing and GIS, M.Sc. Bio-Physics etc.


    Result of BCA First Sem. _Regular and ATKT_, M.Sc._Chemistry_ III Sem _BP_ and MBA _RTM_ Previous _Supp. Students- Distance Educa
    Result of BBA-III Sem _Review_ Regular and ATKT, B.Sc._Home Science_ Part-III Year, MA _Final_ Drawing and Painting, MA _Final_ Geo
    Result of LLB _3ydc_ III Sem _Review_, PGDCA-First sem, MBA_CSMM_ Pharma Third Sem and M.Sc. _Industrial Chemistry_ Pharma First
    Result of LLB 3ydc III Sem ATKT, BALLB 5ydc V Sem, LLB Hons 5ydc III Sem ATKT, MA History III Sem SOS and Colleges
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    Computer Science II Semester Exam Result 2011 Yogi Vemana University Yogi Vemana University, Andhra Pradesh

    Yogi Vemana University
    As an Emerging Premier State Varsity dedicated to Teaching, Research and Service Yogi Vemana University came into existence by the Act of the Andhra Pradesh State Legislative Assembly with effect from March 9th 2006. It is located 15 km away from Kadapa city on the Kadapa-Pulivendula Road.
    Creation and dissemination of knowledge.
    Attainment of enlightened wisdom through advancement of learning.
    Progress and prosperity of people and social enrichment.
    Core Values
    Basic moral and ethical standards in pursuit of true knowledge.
    Academic freedom and debate.
    A challenging academic and spinted environment.

    Yogi Vemana University, Andhra Pradesh
    Computer Science II Semester Exam Result 2011
    Name Wise Search
    Click Full Post............. BPP Notification 2011 Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University Routine for Special BPP Examination 6 month Course August 2011

    Education is a backbone of a society. In common parlance education is any act or experience that has a formative effect on the mind, character or physical ability of an individual. In continuing with the aim of building a knowledge based society Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University was established to provide quality higher education through open and distance learning to reach the unreached of the society.

    KKHSOU, established under the provision of the KKHSOU, Act’ 2005 enacted by the Govt. of Assam & published in the Assam Gazette (extraordinary) dt 29/9/05 has been recognized by the Distance Education Council, New Delhi vide letter no. DEC/Misc/07/5957 dated 03/10/07. The University Grants Commission vide its letter No. F.9-13/2008(CPP-I) dated 18th March, 2009 also has empowered the University to award degrees under Section 22 of UGC Act, 1956. It is the fourteenth of its kind along with IGNOU and the only state Open University in the whole of NE India. The university is recognized by the University Grants Commission and Distance Education Council, Govt. of India. The headquarters of the University is located at Housefed Complex, Last Gate, Dispur, Guwahati. The university started functioning with the joining of Prof. Srinath Baruah, former Professor, Deptt. of Economics, Gauhati University, as the Vice-Chancellor.

    List of the selected candidates for Ph. D. and RTA Programme, 2011

    Result of the Six Month Certificate Course Examination in CCH, CCN, CCA, CMPR held in January, 2011

    The main aim of the university to develop and provide easily accessible modes of quality higher education and training with the use of latest educational inputs and technology. Because of the inherent flexibility in terms of pace and place of learning, methods of evaluation etc., The university holds the promise of providing equality of opportunities for higher education and bringing into its fold the deprived and denied sections along with the fresh learners.

    The very purpose of the University is to promote education to reach the unreached through the Open and Distance Learning System and the motto of the University is ‘Education Beyond Barriers’ of age, academic background and geographical boundaries.

    The course structures of the university have been designed at par with the national curriculum. Along with the traditional programmes the University offers various professional Certificate and Diploma programmes to enable the already enrolled students in various colleges and educational institutions of the state to pursue add-on studies simultaneously with their regular courses. The programmes of the University are so designed that it can spread education to all the learners of the region.

    The University has been offering several academic programmes. At present the university is offering around forty academic programmes in humanities, Science, Social sciences and professional areas, such as – Ph. D., Masters, bachelors’ degree, diploma and certificate programme.

    Doctor of Philosophy (Ph. D.) is offered in humanities, social sciences and professional courses.
    Master of Philosophy (M. Phil.) is planned to be launched in selected subjects from the next academic session. This programme will be disciplines in professional along with some selected Social Sciences and Humanities subjects under Semester System.

    The university offering Master’s Degree Programmes in Mass Communication , Business Administration and Computer Application from this academic session. Master's programme in Humanities, Social Sciences and professional disciplines is expected to be launched from this academic year.

    From the year 2008, the Bachelor’s Degree Programmes are being offered by the university. The graduate level programme are B.A., Bachelor of Business Administration Bachelor of Mass Communication and Bachelor of Computer Application.

    Apart from these degree programmes the university is offering some Post Graduate Diplomas in the area of Computer Application, Business Management, Tourism and Hospitality Management , Broadcast Journalism, Mass Communication and in Human Resource Management .

    The university’s and under graduate Diploma prpgramme are Journalism & Mass Communication , Assamese Journalism , Tourism Management, Hotel Management, Creative writing in English and Computer Hardware Networking.

    To create entrepreneurs in the vocational areas the university has taken a step to make the learners trained in the specialized areas by introducing Certificate courses in Computer Application , Mobile Phone Repairing, Maintenance and Repairing of Audio Video Equipments, Maintenance and Repairing of Electronic Domestic Appliance, Scientific Piggery Farming , Scientific Goat Rearing, Scientific Broiler Farming, Scientific Duck Farming, Scientific Layer Farming etc.

    The Bachelor Preparatory Programme (BPP) is the first academic programme introduced by the university in 2008. This programme was introduced for those learners who could not pursue higher education for various reasons. The BPP course was initially of six month duration but now it has been made a one year programme, with a view to give more weitage to the programme along with better training scope to the learners to prepare themselves for degree level courses.

    To popularize these new programmes the university has been giving importance in advertisements and publicity. Along with the newspaper advertisements the university released a good number of Radio and Television advertisements.

    The introduction of vocational training by an open university is in itself a contribution to the needs of the people. The main intention behind the introduction of the training programme is to meet the various needs of the people of the region and make them independent. The main aim of the university is to educate its learners as well as help them in becoming self dependent.

    Therefore, the University, has introduced some vocational training programmes with the help of the Polytechnics and Industrial Training Institute (I.T.I s.) of the state and some other specialized institutions.

    The different areas of programmes of training will be House wiring, repair of domestic electrical appliances, A/C motor rewinding, 4 wheeler servicing, 2/3 wheeler repairing and maintenance, electrical house wiring practice, welding practice, plumbing and pump installation, RCC masory practice and training for the security personnel.

    The university since its inception has tried to bring about an all round development of the academicians, learners and non- academic staffs of the university by organizing various workshops and seminars. The university till date has organized around 40 workshops and seminars in different colleges, study centres and in the headquarter. It has also organized national level events like Indian Science Communication Congress 2009 (ISCC 2009).

    The 9th ISCC was organized for the first time in the entire north eastern region of India. Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University hosted this mega event in collaboration with the Ministry of Science and Technology, Govt. of India. Around 200 delegates and participants attended the congress from all over the country.

    Around 40 workshops and seminars is organized by the university from the time of its inception. The main areas of the workshop were development of road map, curriculum development, SLM preparation, counseling, supporting staff administration, management of study centre and so on.

    The university, has registered a quantum increase in enrollment in the different academic programmes under various degree courses that are being offered by the university. As per the first enrollment of the university in 2008 a total number of 4200 learners were enrolled and it has been increased to over 24000 by the end of 2009 i.e. a period of two years only.

    The number of study centres under this university has witnessed a giant leap having the numbers increased to 220 from the time of its inception when the number of study centers was 79.

    Considering its social responsibility, three study centres- Central Jail of Guwahati, Jorhat and Abhayapuri Jail are run by the University. Education is provided free of cost to the jail inmates by the university. The high walls of the jail should not be the barrier to education. This is a step taken by the university to fulfill its motto i.e., ‘Education beyond barriers’.

    More than 300 self learning materials were prepared during this tenure. Self learning materials are specially designed by teams of subject experts from within and outside the state. These materials are prepared both in English and Assamese looking at the need of the learners.

    A multi media studio set up with the aim of producing audio as well as audio-visual programmes has become fully functional to meet any demand. The university got the SACFA clearance and frequency allotment of 90.4 MHz recently from the Govt. of India to operate a community radio station which is the first in entire North East. This frequency was used in experimental broadcast in January 2009.

    The University has successfully completed two years of its radio phone-in programme recently. It first took on air through All India Radio, Guwahati on February 03,2008 for the month of January. It provides a common platform for the general people to understand the activities of the University and also to have a direct contact with the top brass of the University, as the queries of the phone callers are answered by the key officials of the University. The main objective of the phone-in programme has been to answer the queries of the distant learners as well as the general public with regard to the University’s activities and programmes. It is an innovative learner support service provided by the Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University for the better understanding of the issues related to the functioning of the University through its Study Centres. The phone-in programme is on air on every fourth Sunday of each month between 11.30 a.m. and 12.00 noon. It is broadcast by the All India Radio, Guwahati and relayed by the All India Radio, Dibrugarh.

    The Govt. of Assam has allotted land for the permanent campus at Patgaon under Rani mauza, located near the Lokapriya Gopinath Bordoloi International Airport, Guwahati.

    The University has made a provision for its learners to get the news and announcement from KKHSOU on their mobile phone by subscribing through SMS. This is done by sending an SMS to a number and for e-mail and RSS subscription options the learners can visit the official website. The university will be launching e-portal facility for its learners very soon.

    The university community and the authorities of the university, such as the board of management, academic council, finance committee etc. are confident that Krishna Kanta Handique State Open University will be able to provide quality higher education through open and distance learning to every nook and corner of the region.

    BPP Notification
    Special BPP Routine
    Exam Time Table for Master Degree (1st Semester) and PG Diploma & Diploma Courses (1st & 2nd Semester)
    Admission Notice for 2011-12
    Prospectus under Graduate and Post Graduate Programmes 2011-12.
    Application Form for Admission into under Graduate and Post G Programmes 2011-12.
    Statement of Admission & Requisition of SLM

    Krishna Kanta Handiqui State Open University

    Routine for Special BPP Examination (6 month Course) August 2011

    Routine for Spl. BPP Examination (6 month Course) August 2011

    Click here to Download pdf

    The KKHSOU has decided to hold a special Examination for the learners of 6th months Course BPP on 21st & 28th of August, 2011 in the following Centres of Examination. Learners who have already submitted examination forms are directed to note the Examination Centre for their respective study centre.

    Name Examination Centre

    Tagged Study Centres

    Code No.

    Birjhora Kanya Mahavidyalay Birjhora Kanya Mahavidyalay


    Birjhora Mahavidyalay


    N.E. Medical & Paramedical


    Bodoland Edu Society


    Sc. College Kokrajhar


    Goalpara College Goalpara College


    Habraghat College


    Pragjyotish College BBK College,Nagaon, Barpeta


    J.N College, Boko


    D.K. College, Mirza


    SBMS College, Sualkuchi


    West Guwahati B Ed College


    Pragjyotish College


    Icon College of Commerce


    Darwin School of Correspondence


    SADBA Training Centre


    Guwahati Public College


    Dispur College


    Matrix College of M& Tech


    Assam Siksha Academy




    Goreswar College Goreswar College


    Cachar College Cachar College


    Miraj Foundation


    Nowgong College Nowgong College


    Nowgong Girls College


    Dr. BKB College


    Lumding College


    N.E. Academy


    Kaliabor College


    Ajmal Foundation


    Morigaon College


    Tezpur College Tezpur College


    Chaiduar College


    Biswanath College


    LOKD College LOKD College 2502
    Sonitpur Dhatrisewa Samity 2507
    Rangapara College 2508
    J.B. College J.B. College 1302
    Kakojan College 1301
    Cinnamara College 1304
    JDSG College 1105
    HPB Girls College 1107
    Gargaon College Gargaon College 2403
    Borhat BPB Memorial College 2407
    Sonari College 2408
    Tinsukia College Tinsukia College 2601
    Philobari Jr. College 2607
    Doomdooma College 2605
    Tisukia Comm College 2602
    Margherita College 2603
    DHSK Comm College 0901
    Namrup College 0906
    Diphu Commerce College Diphu Com College 1601

    Master Degree (I Sem) & PG Dip .& Dip. Courses (I & II Sem)

    Click here to Download pdf

    The University has decided to hold MMC, MBA, MCA (1st Semester) PGDCA and PGDBM(1st Semester) and PGDHRM, PGDMC, PGDBJ, PGDTHM and DCHN (2nd Semester) from 4/9/2011 in the following Examination Centres. Learners of different study centres are directed to note their respective examination centre as indicated.

    Name of Examination Centre

    Tagged Study Centres

    Code No.

    Kokrajhar Science College Kokrajhar Science College


    Epitome, Bongaigaon
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