Wednesday 2 March 2011

Result of Written Examination of Constables Recruitment 2010 District Unit 12th BN RAC DELHI

Result of Written Examination of Constables Recruitment 2010
District/Unit :- 12th BN RAC - DELHI

Result of Written Examination of Constables Recruitment 2010
District/Unit :- 12th BN RAC - DELHI - 72 Page 1
General Male Driver
100030 100301 100546
Total - 3
O.B.C. Male Driver
100036 100248 100279 100375 100850
Total - 5
S.C. Male Driver
100149 100178
Total - 2
General Female Constable
100210 100538 100563
Total - 3
General Male Constable
100009 100017 100048 100061 100090 100094 100151 100207
100217 100223 100246 100247 100280 100287 100295 100326
100380 100381 100402 100410 100422 100462 100504 100530
100551 100561 100604 100606 100617 100693 100740 100760
100787 100882 100915 100937 100941 100960
Total - 38
O.B.C. Female Constable
100552 100558
Total - 2
O.B.C. Male Constable
100001 100003 100018 100032 100038 100040 100043 100050
100055 100069 100098 100115 100131 100134 100141 100143
100150 Continue. . . . .
Result of Written Examination of Constables Recruitment 2010
District/Unit :- 12th BN RAC - DELHI - 72 Page 2
O.B.C. Male Constable
100153 100158 100159 100162 100166 100198 100199
100206 100251 100253 100254 100260 100264 100268 100293
100307 100309 100333 100341 100364 100369 100370 100374
100376 100384 100385 100387 100388 100393 100406 100412
100413 100423 100461 100470 100483 100519 100534 100536
100543 100548 100557 100560 100567 100580 100621 100639
100645 100668 100703 100748 100764 100779 100786 100808
100810 100840 100852 100908 100921 100922 100943 100973
100978 100990
Total - 82
S.C. Male Constable
100002 100075 100127 100139 100146 100179 100282 100324
100337 100353 100392 100394 100433 100440 100458 100465
100495 100554 100595 100634 100696 100720 100730 100734
100763 100783 100798 100880 100910 100948 100976
Total - 31
S.T. Male Constable
Total - 1


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