Saturday 23 April 2011

SRMEEE 2011 Answer Key and Solutions VERSION A PHYSICS CHEMISTRY M Part 1

We will soon release the answer key for SRMEE 2011
SRMEEE 2010 Answer Key

PHYSICS, CHEMISTRY, M Part 1 – Physics

1. A body starts from rest and moves with a uniform
acceleration of 6 ms-2……

Ans : 21 m
Dimensions are not same for the pair Ans : Power and strain
If L, C, R denote the inductance, capacitance and resistance respectively, …

Ans : M°L°T3I°
Pick out the stranger in the group Ans : Magnetic moment
A scooter is going round a circular road of radius 200 m at a speed of 20 ms-1 ….

Ans : 0.1 rad s-1
In some region, the gravitational field is zero… Ans : Must be constant
Two spheres of mass m and M are situated in air and the gravitational force between them .

Ans : f

8. The ratio of the lengths of two wires a and b of
same material is 1 : 3 ..

Ans : 1:27

9. Bernoulli’s theorem is based on the principle of
conservation of

Ans : Energy

10. The ring of radius 1 m and mass 15 kg is rotating
about its diameter ..

Ans : 2343.7 J rHEMATICS & BIOLOGY]

11. The total energy of a body executing simple
harmonic motion is E..

Ans : 8E 9

12. Pick out the stranger
Ans : newton-meter

Note : If considered as troque, will be a vector

13. A tunnel has been dug through the centre of the
earth and a ball is ….

Ans : 42 minute

14. Entropy of the universe tends to be

Ans : Maximum

15. Heating of water at atmospheric pressure is
considered under the .

Ans : Isobaric

16. A Carnot engine working between 200 K and
500 K has a work output of 900 J…

Ans : 1500 J

17. A heavenly body is receding from Earth such that
the fractional change in .

Ans : 2c

Note : No matter can move even at a speed of


18. The penetration of light into the region of
geometrical shadow is called

Ans : Diffraction

19. A man is 160 cm tall and his eyes are 15 cm
below the top of his head….

Ans : 80 cm


20. Light of wavelength 5000 A in air has
wavelength in glass …

Ans:3333 A

21. A charge Q is placed at the centre of the line
joining two equal charges q…..

Ans : ^ 4

22. A capacitor is kept connected to a battery and a
dielectric slab is inserted between ..

Ans : Work is done at the cost of the battery

23. When two identical capacitors are in series, they
have 4 |mF capacitance …

30. When cathode rays enter into a uniform magnetic
field perpendicular to the direction of…..

Ans : Circular

31. The pulleys and strings shown in figure are
smooth and of negligible mass….

Ans : 45°

32. In the Boolean expression, which gate be
expressed as Y = A • B ?

Ans : NAND gate

33. The current gain of the transistor in the common
base mode is 0.9….

Ans : 9

Ans : 8 |mF 34. If the base and the collector of a transistor are in

forward bias, then ..

24. A cell of emf 4 V and internal resistance 0.2 W is

connected with the resistance of …. Ans : All of these

Ans : 3.6 V


25. At certain place, horizontal component is -=


times the vertical component ..

Ans : 60°

26. In a tangent galvanometer, a current of 0.2 A
produces a deflection of 30°.

Ans : 0.6 A

27. If we consider electrons and protons of the same
wavelength, they will have the same .

Ans : Momentum

28. The momentum of a proton is

2.5 x 10-29 kg ms-1.

Ans : 1.14 x 1013 Hz

Note : Must be photons and not protons

29. On the bombardment of neutron with boron, an a particle is emitted..

Ans : 3Li7

35. The refractive index of the material of a prism is
2. What is the maximum possible .

Ans : 60°

Part 2 – Chemistry

36. Which one is diamagnetic molecule / ion ?

Ans : o2-

37. Which of the following is called a polyamide ?

Ans : nylon

38. How many moles of magnesium phosphate
Mg3(PO4)2 will contain 0.25 mole of…..

Ans : 3.125 x 10-2

39. A pressure cooker reduces cooking time for food
because .

Ans : boiling point of water involved in cooking in increased

40. Consider the reaction CaCO3(g) CaO(s) +
CO2(g) in closed container at ….

Ans : remains unaffected

41. 25 ml of a solution of barium hydroxide on
titration with a 0.1 molar solution ..

Ans : 0.07

42. Which of the following is not a homogeneous
mixture ?

Ans : milk

43. An ionic compound has a unit cell constituting A
ions at the corners of a cube…..

Ans : AB3

44. Benzene and toluene form nearly ideal solutions.
At 20°C, the vapour pressure .

Ans : 50

45. The number of moles of ions given on complete
ionization of 1 mole ….

Ans : 4

46. During the extraction of copper, the impurity
(FeS) is removed as slag ….

Ans : FeSiO3

47. All monosaccharides _______________ Tollens’


Ans : reduce

48. Calculate AH (in joules) for C(graphite) ® C(diamond)
from the following data:

Ans : 1900

49. In the following reaction ; A and B respectively

Ans : C2H4,alc.KOH/A
What is X in the following nuclear reaction ? Ans : g ray (gamma ray)
The number of chiral centers in (±) glucose is Ans : 4
Action of NaNO2 with dilute HCl on ArNH yields Ans : cyclohexanol
What are the units of equivalent conductivity of a solution ?

Ans : mho.cm2.equiv-1

54. The Incorrect statement among the following is

Ans : The second ionization potential of Mg is greater than the second ionization potential of


55. When a quantity of electricity is passed through
CuSO4 solution, 0.16 g of copper gets ….

Ans : 56 cm3

56. A distinctive and characteristic functional group
of fats is .

Ans : an ester group

57. The highest magnetic moment is shown by the
transition metal .

Ans : 3d5

58. Assertion A : Sb2S3 is not soluble in yellow
ammonium sulphide

Reason R : The common ion effect due to S2-ions reduces the stability of Sb2S3

Ans : both A and R are false statements
Potassium soaps are Ans : soft soaps
The IUPAC name of CH3 – CH2 – COO – COCH3 is

Ans : ethanoic propanoic anhydride
C6H6 + CCl4 A°3 > X H2° > Z Ans : C6H5 – CO-C6H5
Decrease in ionic size in a period is observed in Ans : Both (a) and (b)

63. Which of the following is not a chromophore ? 74. If the mean of a set of observations xi, X2, …

Ans : -NH2
Which is used as food preservative ? Ans : Sodium benzoate
Which one of the following is an analgesic ? Ans : Aspirin
AS° will be highest for

Ans : CaCO3(s) ® CaO(s) + CO2(g)

67. Philosopher’s wool when heated with BaO at
1100°C gives a compound.

Ans : BaZnO2

68. Match the lists I and II and pick the correct
matching from the codes given below :

Ans : A-2, B-5, C-1, D-4, E-3
Which statement about enzymes is not correct Ans : enzymes can catalyse any reaction
The molecular formula of dithionic acid is

Ans : H2S2O6

Part 3 - Maths

Ans : 42

75. If ex = y + ^1 + y2 then the value of y is

Ans : None of these


76. If the curves y2 = 6x, 9x2 + by2 = 16 cut each
other at right angles …

Ans :

■ ex (1 + sinx)


77. r o v . ~.. .-v dx is equal to •> 1 + cos x

Ans : ex tan — + C 2

/ 2

(2 + cosx )2



78. The value of j” 1 + 2cosx2 dx is

Ans :

79. The solution of the differential equation d2x

+ x = 0 ; x(0) = 1, x1(0) = 0


Ans : is a periodic function

80. If |a| = 2, |b| = 3, |c| = 4 and a + b + c = 0 then the value of b.c + c.a +a.b is equal to

71. The number of solutions of V4 – x +V x + 9 = 5

Ans : 2

Ans :



72. The sum to n terms of the series ….

81. The lines



x – 2 y – 3 z – 4

- k

Ans :


(n +1)

Ans : k = 0


Note : If the first term is read as then, the



answer is -,———— r. Otherwise there is no correct

(n +1)


73. Let f(x) = x2 and g(x) = 2x then the solution Ans : {0, 2}

82. The relation R : A ® B, where A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}
and B = {u, v, x, y, z} …

Ans : {(1, u), (2, v), (3, x), (4, z), (5, y)}

2z +1

83. If the imaginary part of ———– is -4, then the

iz +1

locus of the point representing z in the…..

Ans : a circle

84. If A, B, C are the angles of a triangle, then Ans : 0

85. If sine, cose, tane are in G.P then cos9e + cos6e + 3 cos5e -1 is equal to

Ans : 0

93. If co is a complex cube root of unity, then the
1 co2 co
matrix A = co2 co 1 is a
co 1 co2

Ans : singular matrix

„ 1 1 1 1 1 p .,

86. If 1 — +——— +——— +… =— , then ….

3 5 7 9 11 4

Ans : *


87. In a group of 8 girls, two girls are sisters. The
number of ways in which the girls can sit so …

Ans : None of these

88. The number of ways of dividing 15 men and 15
women into 15 couples, ..

Ans : 1240

94. If lim————- = -1, then the value of a is

x®a xx -aa

Ans : 1

95. The slopes of the normals to the parabola
y2 = 4ax intersecting at a point on the ..

Ans : A.P

96. The area of the figure bounded by y2 = 9x

Ans :

89. The equation A =

satisfied when .

x – a x – b x – c x – b x – c x – a x-c x-a x-b

= 0 is



97. The area of the plane figure bounded by lines y = Vx , x e [0, 1], y = x2 , x e [1, 2] …

Ans :

Ans : No correct option


Note : None of the printed options satisfy the given relation. The answer should be (a + b + c)


90. An equation of a straight line passing through the
intersection of the straight lines…..

Ans : 23x + 23y = 11

91. The number of values of c such that the straight
line y = 4x + c touches the ….

Ans : 2



92. An ellipse has OB as a semi-minor axis. F, F1
are its foci, and the angle FBF1 is a ..

Ans :

98. A solution of y = 2x f-^O + x2!^! is

Ans : y = 2-v/cx + c2

99. If the vectors AB = – 3i + 4k and

AC = 5i -2j + 4k are the sides of a triangle ABC.

Ans : VT8

100.An equation of the line passing through 3i -5j + 7k and perpendicular to the plane …


x – 3 y + 5 z – 7
Ans : ——- =——– = -


Note : “passing through 3i-5j + 7k” should be read as “passing through the point whose position vector is 3ji -5jj +7kj ”

101.If from each of the three boxes containing 3 white
and 1 black , 2 white and 2 black,…..

Ans : 13 32
If x and y are two sets, then x n (y u x)c equals Ans : f
If Z = , then Z14 equals

3 – 4i

Ans : -27i

104.Equation of the directrix of the parabola whose focus is (0, 0) …

Ans : x – y + 2 = 0

105. If a is real and the 4th term in the expansion of | ax +—1 is5 , then values of a and n are ..

Ans : 6, -


Note : Question should be corrected as “the values of n and a” are

Part 4 – Biology

71. With reference to the skeletal muscle

Ans : troponin is a constituent of thin filaments

72. The pituitary gland is

Ans : the anterior lobe receives efferent fibres form the supra-opticohypophyseal tract

73. Urine volume is increased with

Ans : the damage to the posterior pituitary

74. The hypothalamus

Ans : is responsible for temperature regulation

75. Human immunodeficiency virus – 1 (HIV -1)

Ans : contains env gene which encodes the core nucleocapsid polypeptides

76. Staphylococcus aureus :

Ans : phage type I and II are the commonest cause of boils

77. Antibiotic resistance in bacteria occurs by … Ans : phagocytosis

78. Following informations are true about ….

Ans : On global basis, it attracted many people as valuable food substance

79. IFN-g is secreted by Ans : Th 1 cells

80. For antigen presentation to CD4 + T lymphocytes:

Ans : specialized antigen presenting cells are required for the induction of the T cell immune response.

81. Hyperacute rejection is developed Ans : Pre induction of Anti-HLA antibodies

82. The following are true about mitochondrial DNA

Ans : the sperm does not contain mitochondrial DNA

83. The following informations are true about .

Ans : 5% of the genome has been conserved by evolution around 200 million years ago

84. The following are the examples of Recombinant
DNA product except

Ans : Hemocidin

85. The cell aggregation before it attaches the
surface can be reduced .

Ans : All the above

86. Biological database

Ans : explains the structure of biomolecules and their interactions

87. Which of the following information are true

Ans : Longevity is much lesser than 40 years in under developed countries

88. Major Green house gases include the following

Ans : Water vapor, Carbon di oxide, Methan, Ozone

89. The following informations are true about the
environmental impact on poverty

Ans : All the above

90. The following informations are true about water
stress except

Ans : Canada and Brazil are facing high water stress

91. The cattle breed which yields around 5000 -
8000 litres of milk

Ans : Jersey

92. Stethoscope was invented by Ans : Rene Theophile

93. Area of the at most least square of the central square .

Ans : 0.0025 sqmm

94. The pacemaker used during open heart surgery

Ans : Transcutaneous pacing

95. According to the Lamarck theory of evolution,

Ans : Individuals inheriting the traits of their ancestors

96. Allopatric speciation is one in which

Ans : Geographically isolated sub-populations diverge

97. Name the Father of Taxonomy Ans : Carolus Linnaeus

98. The basic unit of classification is Ans : Species

99. Malvacea flower has________ sepals

Ans : 5

100.Which following plant is involved in starch preparation ?

Ans : Cassava 101.Xylem conducts

Ans : Water 102.Palisade parenchyma cells are present in

Ans : Leaf 103.Plant age is identified by

Ans : Annual rings 104.Apical meristem is found usually in

Ans : Shoot tips and root tips 105.The Father of Genetics is

Ans : Mendel 106.Chiasma formation takes place in

Ans : Pachytene

107.Which one of the following cannot cause mutation ?

Ans : Infrared ray 108.DNA is a double helical structure proposed by

Ans : Watson and Crick 109.The alternative name for genetic engineering is

Ans : r-DNA technology

110.The enzyme involved in RNA – directed DNA synthesis is

Ans : Reverse transcriptase

111 .Agrobacterium tumifaciens has the__ plasmid

Ans : Ti

112.Protoplasmic fusion is performed by

Ans : PEG 113.An example of C4 plant is

Ans : Sugarcane

114.The rate of growth of plants can be measured by a

Ans : Auxanometer 115.Which one of the following is Phytohormone ? Ans : Indole acetic acid

116.Hormone promoting maleness in flowering plants is

Ans : Gibberellin

117.Name the micro organisms involved in biofertilizer preparation.

Ans : Cyanobacteria 118.Absence of magnesium causes

Ans : Chlorosis 119.Name the committee approves GM crops

Ans : GEAC 120.Name the botanical name of Groundnut

Ans : Arachis hypogea


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