Friday 10 June 2011 iert entrance exam 2011 Institute of Engineering and Rural Technology IERT Allahabad

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Sample Questions For Iert Diploma Entrance Examination

Select from the answer choices an appropriate number to replace the question mark (?) to continue the series. 1. 8, 13, 23, 43, 83, ? a) 163 b) 173 c) 183 d) 193 2. The question contains two words with some relationship to each other. Select the option which is related in the same way

Induction Motor part 2

EQUIVALENT CIRCUIT To analyze the operating and performance characteristics of an induction motor, an Equivalent Circuit can be drawn. We will consider a 3–phase, Y connected machine, the Equivalent Circuit for the stator is as shown below: Where: V1 = Stator Terminal Voltage I1 = Stator Current R1 = Stator Effective Resistance X1 = Stator

Induction Motor part 1

The AC induction motor is well suited to applications requiring constant speed operation. In general, the induction motor is cheaper and easier to maintain compared to other alternatives. The induction motor is made up of the stator, or stationary windings, and the rotor. The stator consists of a series of wire windings of very low

Admit Cards of Diploma Course 2011 of Iert

Hello Dear Readers, We are getting a lot of queries about Admit Cards of Diploma Entrance Exam. 2011 of Iert. We understand your worries and suggest you to have patience because we have got the news from sources that Admit Cards of Diploma Entrance Exam. 2011 are being sent. We are receiving a number of

Quantitative Apptitude: Problems & Solutions

Problem 1. In one hour a boat goes 11 km long the stream and 5 km against the stream. The speed of the boat in still water is? Solution: Speed in still water = ½ ( 11+5) km/hr = 8 kmph Problem 2. A man can row 18 kmph in still water. It takes him

Accenture Model Papers

1) 70 students are required to paint a picture. 52 use green color and some children use red, 38 students use both the colors. How many students use red color? A) 24 B) 42 C) 56 D)70 2) At an international conference, 100 delegates spoke English, 40 spoke French, and 20 spoke both English and

TCS Model Question Set

VERBAL SECTION Directions for questions 1-15: Find the synonyms of the following words 1. Merry Ans. Gay, Happy 2. Alienate Ans. Estrange 3. Solicit Ans. To request 4. Heap Ans. To pile 5. Cargo Ans. Freight 6. Momentary Ans. Transient 7. Volume Ans. Quantity 8. Veer Ans. Diverge 9. Dispel Ans. Dissipate 10. Admonish Ans.


Introduction : introduction to chemical engineering and unit operation. Concept and role of unit operations in chemical engineering and in chemical process industries. Various unit operation of chemiccal engineering, Basic concept of the terms unit, ideal gas law, energy balsnce and equilibria. Size Reduction / Crushing and Grinding: (a) Introduction to size reduction, crushing and


PRODUCTION AUTOMATION AND COMPUTER AIDED MANUFACTURING Introduction : Type of production Job , Batch and Mass production , Lead time, Production rate , production capacity work in process time in planr conponents of operation time utiliazation and availability, Need of Automation, Definition of Automation , Automation strategies and their effect,Types of industries , manufacturing ,


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