Sunday 21 August 2011

libya news Obama keeps full vacation day after Libya briefing Libya Rebels in Tripoli as Qaddafi's Defenses Collapse

Backgrounder: Major events in development of Libyan situation

CAIRO, Aug. 21 (Xinhua) -- Libyan rebels entered the capital Tripoli on Sunday night and took control of leader Muammar Gaddafi 's stronghold after a few hours of fighting with the government forces.

Gaddafi's eldest son Mohammed al-Gaddafi has surrendered and his second son Seif al-Islam has been captured, Libyan rebels said.

Following are the major events in the development of the Libyan situation:

On Feb. 15: Massive protests erupted in Libyan cities, including capital Tripoli, demanding an end to the 42-year rule of Libyan leader Muammar Gaddafi. Protesters clashed with the police, resulting in casualties.

On Feb. 20: Gaddafi's son Seif al-Islam warned in a televised speech that Libya would face civil war if the clashes continued. He said nearly 100 people had been killed during anti-government protests in the eastern city of Benghazi.

On Feb. 22: The Arab League (AL) decided to suspend Libya's participation in future AL meetings and any other derivative organizations or bodies. Many countries began to evacuate their nationals from Libya as clashes between Gaddafi's loyalists and rebels escalated in the country.

On Feb. 26: The UN Security Council adopted a resolution to impose sanctions on Libya, including an arms embargo against the Libyan authorities and travel bans and asset freezes against Gaddafi and his key family members.

On March 1: The 65th session of the UN General Assembly adopted a resolution to suspend the rights of membership of Libya in the UN Human Rights Council.

On March 12: Arab League foreign ministers agreed in an emergency meeting to urge the UN Security Council to impose a no- fly zone over Libya to protect citizens.

On March 13: The Libyan government troops advanced toward Benghazi, the last stronghold of the rebels, after retaking the rebel-held western city of Zawiyah and eastern cities of Bin Jawad, Ras Lanuf, Brega and Ajdabiya.

On March 17: The UN Security Council adopted a resolution to authorize a no-fly zone over Libya and "all necessary measures," excluding troops on the ground, to protect civilians under threat of attack in the country.

On March 18: Libyan Foreign Minister Musa Kusa declared a cease- fire and an immediate halt of all military operations. He said Libya, as a member of the United Nations, was "obliged to accept the UN Security Council's resolutions."

On March 19: Leaders from some Arab countries and main Western powers gathered in Paris to discuss "all necessary measures, including military" to enforce a UN Security Council resolution that authorized a no-fly zone over Libya and measures to protect Libyan civilians. The major Western powers at the summit also announced the start of military action against Libyan government forces.

On March 28: Qatar became the first Arab country to recognize the rebel National Transitional Council (NTC) as the Libyan people 's legitimate representative.

On March 29: A total of 40 governments and organizations attended a conference in London and agreed to set up a contact group comprising 20 countries to coordinate efforts in a post- Gaddafi Libya.

On April 10: Gaddafi accepted a roadmap for ending the conflict, which was presented by a delegation of four African leaders during talks in Tripoli. But rebels rejected the plan the next day.

On April 30: A NATO missile attack on a house in Tripoli killed Gaddafi's youngest son and three grandchildren.

On June 27: The International Criminal Court issued arrest warrants for Gaddafi, his son Seif al-Islam and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi, charged with crimes against humanity.

On July 15: The NTC was recognized as the legitimate representative of the Libyan people by the United States at a meeting in Turkey of the contact group on Libya.

On July 27: The Libyan rebels were recognized by Britain which also expelled the Libyan government's diplomats from London.

On July 28: Abdel Fattah Younes, Gaddafi's former interior minister who defected to the rebels on Feb. 22 and became their military chief, was killed.

On Aug. 11: The Libyan rebels said they had seized part of the eastern oil town of Brega while Gaddafi's forces still held the industrial areas of the town where the oil facilities are located.

On Aug. 14: The Libyan rebels said they had taken the gateway of Tripoli, Zawiyah, cutting the coastal highway to Tunisia which keeps the capital supplied with food and fuel.

On Aug. 19: The Libyan rebels said they had made advances in Zliten and controlled most of the city in the west front, a remarkable move to completely cut off roads to the capital Tripoli.

On Aug. 21: The Libyan rebels entered Tripoli's central Green Square, after hours of fighting with the government forces. Gaddafi's eldest son Mohammed al-Gaddafi surrendered to the rebels and his second son Seif al-Islam was captured.

Libya Rebels in Tripoli as Qaddafi's Defenses Collapse

Libyan rebels have reportedly entered Tripoli and are within two miles of the city's center, as a report from Sky News says one of Muammar al-Qaddafi's sons has been captured by rebel fighters.

Reports from the country indicate rebels met little resistance Sunday as they overran a major military base that defends the capital.

Associated Press reporters with the rebels said they reached the Tripoli suburb of Janzour around nightfall Sunday. They were greeted by civilians lining the streets and waving rebel flags.

Sky News reported that Qaddafi's son, Saif al Islam Qaddafi, was captured by rebel forces. He was reportedly the head of the Libyan defense.

Hours earlier, the same rebel force of hundreds drove out elite forces led by Qaddafi's son in a brief gunbattle. The fighters hauled off truckloads of weapons and advanced full speed toward the capital.

Inside Tripoli, there was a second day of widespread clashes between what the opposition called "sleeping cells" of rebels who are rising up and Qaddafi loyalists.

BBC world service says Qaddafi is currently in Algeria. Fox News could not confirm the report.

Libyan rebels captured a major military base in their assault on Tripoli, giving them access to large stores of weapons.

NATO said in a statement that "the sooner Qaddafi realizes that he cannot win the battle against his own people, the better -- so that the Libyan people can be spared further bloodshed and suffering."

A senior U.S. official, observing the evolving situation in Tripoli, told Fox News that "the momentum that the opposition has built over the past several weeks seems to be paying off. The battle for Tripoli is clearly underway, and what has often seemed impossible--the fall of Qadhafi--may now be attainable."

An Associated Press reporter with the rebels saw them take over the base of the Khamis Brigade, 16 miles west of the capital, on Sunday. The base has been defending Qaddafi's stronghold of Tripoli. After a brief gunbattle, Qaddafi's forces fled.

Qaddafi's 27-year-old son Khamis commands the 32nd Brigade, also known simply as the Khamis Brigade, one of the best trained and equipped units in the Libyan military.

Inside the base, hundreds of rebels cheered wildly and danced, raising the rebel flag on the front gate of a large, gray wall enclosing the compound. They seized large stores of weapons from the base, driving away with truckloads of whatever arms they could get their hands on. One of the rebels carried off a tube of grenades, while another carted off two mortars.

Ahmed al-Ajdal, 27, a fighter from Tripoli, was loading up a truck with ammunition.

"This is the wealth of the Libyan people that he was using against us," he said, pointing to the haul. "Now we will use it against him and any other dictator who goes against the Libyan people."

"Anti-Qaddafi forces have had momentum on their side for some time," a U.S. senior administration official told Fox News on Sunday. "If Tripoli eventually falls to the rebels, Qaddafi's already limited options would become even more limited. Pressure on him and his shrinking circle of loyalists has to be taking a seriously toll."

Libya's government is calling for an immediate cease-fire between rebels and forces loyal to leader Muammar al-Qaddafi after an opposition-led attack, coordinated with NATO airstrikes, rocked the country's capital.

Libyan rebels said they were less than 20 miles from Muammar al-Qaddafi's main stronghold of Tripoli on Sunday, a day after opposition fighters launched their first attack on the city.

NATO has reportedly been bombing Qaddafi's Tripoli compound continuously, though no casualties have been reported yet.

The rebels said Saturday that gunbattles and mortar rounds rocked the city during the attack. NATO aircraft also made heavy bombing runs after nightfall, with loud explosions booming across the city.

A Libyan government officials says at least 376 people have been killed in Tripoli during the overnight attacks and over 1,000 were injured.

But a government spokesman also told reporters Sunday that NATO's airstrikes have gone astray, targeting civilian buildings including schools, hospitals, farms and houses.

NATO said the shifting battle lines and concentration of fighting in towns and villages are making it more difficult to identify and engage targets for the strikes.

"It's much tougher to do in an urban area," NATO spokesman Col. Roland Lavoie said. "This requires very precise and deep intelligence to achieve without endangering the civilian population."

Anti-regime protests erupted Sunday in several Tripoli neighborhoods where thousands braved the bullets of snipers perched atop high buildings, residents and opposition fighters said.

Mukhtar Lahab, a rebel commander closing in on Tripoli and a former captain in Qaddafi's army, said relatives inside the capital reported mass protests in four neighborhoods known to be sympathetic to the opposition: Fashlum, Souk al-Jouma, Tajoura and Janzour. He said mosques there were rallying residents with chants of "Allahu Akbar" or "God is great," broadcast on loudspeakers.

Snipers on high buildings were firing on protesters in at least one of the four neighborhoods, said Lahab. Residents contacted in the city by telephone also reported snipers firing on civilians.

Fighters said a 600-strong rebel force that set out from Zawiya has reached the outskirts of the village of Jedaim and was coming under heavy fire from regime forces on the eastern side of the town.

Murad Dabdoub, a fighter who returned to Zawiya from the front, told The Associated Press that Qaddafi's forces were pounding rebel positions with rockets, mortars and anti-aircraft fire.

The rebels' arrival at Jedaim was also confirmed by Abdul-Bari Gilan, a doctor in Zawiya. He told the AP that he had treated a rebel who was wounded in the fighting at Jedaim.

An AP reporter in Tripoli, meanwhile, said the city was largely quiet on Sunday after a night of gunfire and explosions.

Qaddafi's regime was defiant.

"There are thousands and thousands of soldiers who are willing to defend the city," government spokesman Moussa Ibrahim said at a news conference in Tripoli.

Ibrahim, who earlier played down claims of an uprising in Tripoli, accused the rebels of executing innocent civilians, torching homes and robberies. "They are nothing without NATO," he said.

State Libyan television on Saturday aired what appeared to be a live audio message by Qaddafi in which he condemned the rebels as traitors and "vermin" who were tearing Libya apart and said they were being chased from city to city -- a mirror image of reality.

"Libyans wanted to enjoy a peaceful Ramadan," he said. "Instead they have been made into refugees. What are we? Palestinians?" He called on Libyans to march by the millions on cities across the nation to peacefully liberate them.

The claims from both sides could not immediately be independently verified.

Tripoli has been Qaddafi's stronghold since the Libyan civil war began some six months ago, but it is not clear whether the embattled leader was still there.

The capture of Tripoli would almost certainly herald the end of Qaddafi's regime, more than 40 years after the maverick leader seized power in a military coup that toppled the monarchy of the vast North African nation.

Meanwhile, Qaddafi's son and one-time heir apparent Seif al-Islam delivered a similarly defiant message on Saturday when he addressed supporters. He told them: "We are not surrendering; it is impossible to raise the white flag."

"Surrender or the white flag are rejected because this is not the decision of Muammar Qaddafi or Seif al-Islam, it is the decision of the Libyan people," he said.

Venezuela's Chavez condemns US role in Libya

Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez on Sunday condemned NATO'sLibya, saying the aim is to seize control of the country's oil wealth. bombings in

Chavez has been a staunch defender of Libyan leader Moammar Gadhafi. He did not say whether he had been in contact with the Libyan leader in recent days and did not refer directly to the rebels who entered the capital of Tripoli on Sunday.

"Let's pray to God for the Libyan people," Chavez said during a televised speech.

Chavez condemned the latest NATO airstrikes in the country, as well as the roles of the United States and some European nations.

"Today they dropped I don't know how many bombs, and they're falling in a shameless and open way... on schools, hospitals, homes, work places, factories, farm fields at this very moment," Chavez said. "They're practically demolishing Tripoli with their bombs."

He said U.S. and other powers had sought excuses to try to take over the country.

"It's the excuse to intervene and seize a country and its riches," Chavez said.

The leftist leader has repeatedly condemned NATO's role in Libya and recently called the country's rebels a "group of terrorists."

Obama keeps full vacation day after Libya briefing

OAK BLUFFS, Mass. -- In between briefings on Libya, President Barack Obama packed golf, beach time, a stop at a seafood restaurant and a visit to a wealthy friend's seaside compound into his Martha's Vineyard vacation Sunday.

Meanwhile, across the globe, rebels stormed into Tripoli as Moammar Gadhafi's hold on power seemed to crumble.

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Asked about the developments as he bought seafood at Nancy's, a popular restaurant in Oak Bluffs, Obama said: "We're going to wait until we have full confirmation of what has happened. ... I'll make a statement when we do."

Then Obama and his family headed to dinner at the house where White House adviser Valerie Jarrett is staying.

Earlier, Obama spent about an hour at the home of Comcast ( CMCSA - news - people ) chief executive Brian Roberts after playing golf with some buddies. The golf foursome included Obama's Chicago pal Eric Whitaker, UBS ( UBS - news - people ) America executive Robert Wolf and a White House aide. Obama spent the morning at the beach with his wife, Michelle, and daughters Sasha and Malia.

The president began the day with a briefing on Libya, said the White House, which has been at pains to show Obama's still fulfilling his duties as president amid international unrest, a shaky economy and high unemployment.


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