The initial period was marked with innumerable challenges as the RRBs had to deal with illiterate, superstitious people, not exposed to the changing world scene. It was indeed an uphill task, as they were expected to play the role of not just a Banker, but also that of a friend, philosopher and guide, leading them on the path of development.
Malaprabha Grameena Bank, Bijapur Grameena Bank, Varada Grameena Bank and Netravathi Grameena Banks were the four RRBs, sponsored by Syndicate Bank, in the State of Karnataka. When the above RRBs were established without much ado way back in the 1970/80s, people may not have had the slightest idea about the ripple that these RRBs would create in the banking industry and the impact that they would have on the rural scene. In the formative years, the main concern was to reach out to the rural poor through its strong network of branches. The Banks were playing a pivotal role in bringing about a metamorphosis in their respective areas of operation through implementation of the various schemes and programmes tailored to suit the requirements of their customers.
As part of the measures which will lead to strong, efficient and vibrant Banking System, the mergers and restructuring phase of the recommendations of the Narasimhan Committee is now being implemented and thus the four RRBs sponsored by Syndicate Bank in the State of Karnataka were amalgamated to form the KARNATAKA VIKAS GRAMEENA BANK by a Government of India Notification dated 12/09/2005. The combined business level of this Bank was Rs.3263.73 Crores with Deposits of Rs.1620.46 Crores and Advances of Rs.1643.27 Crores as on 12/09/2005
The Banks have come a long way from those initial years and after amalgamation the Bank has a network of 448 branches cutting across the length and breadth of the nine districts forming its area of operation. Surmounting the initial problems of bringing about uniformity in the working of these Branches after amalgamation, the Bank was able to record a growth of 24% as on 31/03/2010 in comparison to the figures as on 31/03/2009. The Bank plans to achieve a business level of Rs 10000 Crores by the end of March 2011.
Thus, the Bank has fulfilled the aspirations of the rural people with its total involvement.
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