Monday 1 August 2011

Friendship Quotes Inspiring Friends Poems Motivational friendship image wollpepr pictures

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Friendship is the truest of all the human relationships. We all need friends with whom we can share our innermost feelings and desires, with whom we can hangout or catch a movie. We crave to spend most of our time with our friends. We know that they will cheer with us for our favorite football team as well as consol us at the moments of loses. Hence, friends are our most pride possessions. No wonder, therefore, that poems will be written on friends and friendships.

At some point of our life we all might have written friendship poems to express our feelings to our friends and also to impress him/her and we know that to write a friendship poem you don’t have to be a renowned poet. But, a little help is always welcome when you fall short of words in writing friendship poems.

Love poems are often more intense than friendship poems since they are the results of a much stronger and extreme emotion. Friendship poems on the other hand are much subtler and subdued in emotion.

Friendship poems can be silly and whimsical but love poems are mostly written with passion, which exerts enough force to make the other person realize your true feelings.

Many of the great poets have also used friendships as metaphors to relate to other things of importance. To understand it better you can refer to the poem "The Soul Unto Itself" written by Emily Dickinson.

Here she had referred to her inner soul as her friend. But not necessarily you have to use friendship only as a metaphor. Rather, it can also be written simply to ruminate a precious relation between two people. Following is one such example of a friendship poem written by Jean Kyler McManus. You can now search online to find more such friendship poems from which you can draw inspiration to write one of your own. You can check out the following collection of friendship poems for your reference.

The Soul unto itself

Is an imperial friend -
Or the most agonizing Spy -
An Enemy - could send -
Secure against its own -
No treason it can fear -
Itself - its Sovereign - of itself
The Soul should stand in Awe -

Here she had referred to her inner soul as her friend. But not necessarily you have to use friendship only as a metaphor. Rather, it can also be written simply to ruminate a precious relation between two people. Following is one such example of a friendship poem written by Jean Kyler McManus.

A friend is someone we turn to
when our spirits need a lift.
A friend is someone we treasure
for our friendship is a gift.
A friend is someone who fills our lives
with beauty, joy, and grace.
And makes the whole world we live in
a better and happier place.

You can now search online to find more such friendship poems from which you can draw inspiration to one of your own. You can check out the following collection of friendship poems for your references.

You are friendly, kind and caring
Sensitive, loyal and understanding
Humorous, fun, secure and true
Always there... yes that's you.

Special, accepting, exciting and wise
Truthful and helpful, with honest blue eyes
Confiding, forgiving, cheerful and bright
Yes that's you... not one bit of spite.

You're one of a kind, different from others
Generous, charming, but not one that smothers
Optimistic, thoughtful, happy and game
But not just another... in the long chain.

Appreciative, warm and precious like gold
Our friendship won't tarnish or ever grow old
You'll always be there, I know that is true
I'll always be here... always for you.
- Angela Lee Hillsley

A friend is like a flower,
a rose to be exact,
Or maybe like a brand new gate
that never comes unlatched.
A friend is like an owl,
both beautiful and wise.
Or perhaps a friend is like a ghost,
whose spirit never dies.
A friend is like a heart that goes
strong until the end.
Where would we be in this world
if we didn't have a friend. - By Adrianne S

Your friendship is special
Like the flowers that bloom,
Or when a butterfly emerges
From within its cocoon...

You remind me of that butterfly,
Loving and free,
Bright and colorful,
For the world to see...

We will share sunshine and rainbows;
Sometimes, the rain and the snow;
We'll stand together through it,
While the cold winds blow...

When the time is right,
We won't stop to ask "Why?"
Our friendship will take flight
On the wings of a butterfly- Christine McClimans

Haiku- The new form of friendship poems

World wide many poets have written on the beautiful relation of friendship. Hence, the treasure chest of world literature is full of gems of friendship poems. Friendship poems help you express your true feelings towards the special person, who you call friend. Haiku has recently got popular as a form of friendship poems. Hence, you can also write a haiku for your friend.

Haiku is an ancient form of Japanese poem and use it takes very little material to write a haiku. it is also very short in nature, may consist only few lines. It lets you get into the core of the scene and savor the moment. Hence, if you are into the mood of doing something different for your friend you can write a haiku poem for him or her.

It is not always easy to describe what clicks in a friendship and hence the quest to best define the relation is eternal. Time to time, people have strived to describe the emotion in the best possible ways. The English literature is therefore full of passionate friendship poems. So, don’t waste more time and start writing your friendship poems today. We are sure that with the aforementioned tips you will be able to add the creative spark to your friendship.

How to write friendship poems

Choose a topic: Though in a friendship you might not need an occasion to write a poem but still choosing a topic might help you in gathering your thoughts better. Decide about the occasion for which you are writing and then gather thoughts and ideas upon which you will put your poem. These will work as the building blocks for your verse.

Do you want to cheer up your friend? Or, want to congratulate him/her on his/her achievements? Is it his/her birthday? These are few examples of situations when you might feel the need to write friendship poems. Following are some more suggestions to help you decide about a topic.

  • Think about the qualities in your friend.
  • Think about the chemistry that you share with him/her.
  • Think about the special moments that you have enjoyed together.
  • Think about the right emotion for the occasion you want to write.
Choose a style: Before you start to write decide about your style. Do you want to make it sound serious? Or, are you intending on keeping it on a light note? Deciding upon the style will help you accomplish your target better. Friendship poems are written in various forms such as- limerick, haiku, free verse, silly poems, Epitaph, lyrics, ballad, or sonnet and hence you can pick any of the forms based on your confidence and comfort. If you have decided not to follow any of the traditional form of poetry then you can also develop one of your own.

Pen the poem: Once you have decided about the theme of the poem as well as selected the type, it is time to write it. Take your time, gather your ideas. A poem should come to you naturally. Hence, if you are not a natural writer then you may avoid writing poem when you are hard pressed of time. The first few efforts may take longer time but you mustn’t let that dishearten you.

Unleash your imagination: Poetry falls under the category of creative writing and hence, you may allow your imaginations to take control of your better part. It might help to read some poems of the great poets before you start writing. It’ll help you understand how best to use words and ideas in your poetry. You can also take help from internet to write friendship poems.

Time to revise: Creating a masterpiece demands time and effort and hence once you have finished writing, its time to edit and revise. Once the poem is complete read over it to make sure that you have used your full potential in creating it.

Read over the poem again and again and edit it as you go. You may end up with three of four versions of your poem but the end result will seem more professional and concise.

Reading some poems from great the poets may help you in incorporating their styles in your writing. This will help you acquire necessary finesse in writing friendship poems.

However, there are few things which one needs to remember while writing a friendship poem. These are important factors if you want to avoid misunderstanding and confusions. One must remember that there are subtle differences between friendship poems and love poems. Hence, if you want to keep your poem strictly to friendship you’ll need to choose your words with more care.

Whether you are a dreamer or a hardheaded person, you cannot escape the Cupid’s bow! No matter how busy you are, in this busy world, love and romance will find its own way out! The varied ways of love are sometimes unidentified; still they bear a tacit appeal of its own! You wake up one fine morning only to find yourself in love with the girl you met last night or the girl next door or simply your best friend! So you know that you are in love now; but do you know how to go about it expressing it to your sweetheart? Let your love show and what better way to show it than revealing the romantic side of yours with words and gestures of love and romance! A delicate touch drifting away your tensions, a cozy hug conveying “I'll be there for you if you should need me” or glinting eyes saying “nothings gonna change my love for you”, that’s what love and romance is all about! One tends to lose its meaning without the other or should we say love and romance go together. Romance is that feeling, which keeps the spirit of love in our hearts, alive and fresh as always!

Love Sayings

Lucid and simple, love sayings are the best way to win over the lover’s heart! These cute love sayings have an amazing way of conveying your feelings to your sweetheart. The wonder and magic of this breathtaking feeling called love is best realized, when your share some smalllove quotes and sayings with your partner.

Be it a girl or boy, young or old, mad in love or yet to fall in love, who doesn’t love to be pampered! We should not let go any opportunity to pamper someone who means so much to us! Be it proposing to someone whom you have fallen for head over heels or getting back your lost love; be it making him/her feel special on a special day or just speaking your heart out when gestures or words fall short; whether you want to simply woo your love or want to make someone reciprocate to your love, love sayings would always be your savior!
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Love Poems

It’s your first anniversary today? And you are running out on ideas, as to what should you say or do to surprise her/him? Well then, we have something interesting for you! How about taking some lines from the beautiful love poems and put it inside the anniversary card you have brought for her; isn’t that romantic? Or let’s say your love is leaving for office to fight out yet another hectic day? Can you just do something to lift her/his spirit? Of course you can! Pen down a cute love poem and place it in his/her wallet. Amidst the busy hours of the day, when your sweetheart suddenly gets to see one of those love notes from you, we bet all his/her tiredness would be gone! If this doesn’t sound interesting enough, hold on then! We have something even more fascinating for you! Take your love out for a candlelight dinner and whisper into his/her ears, some magical lines of love taken from a romantic love poem. Your love would fall for you afresh!


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